drs. Ebba Ghyczy

BIG-nummer: 9057196201
drs. Ebba Ghyczy


  • Heden: Oogziekenhuis Zonnestraal, wat per 1 juli 2019 is overgegaan naar Bergman Clinics | Ogen & Amsterdam UMC),
  • Promotie onderzoek Amsterdam UMC VUMC
  • Oogarts voorsegment specialist
  • LASIK centrum, Boxtel, fellowship refractie chirurgie
  • Viecuri Centrum voor Noord-Limburg, oogarts
  • Academisch Medisch Centrum (AMC) opleiding tot oogarts


  • Nederlandese Cornea werkgroep
  • Dutch Orbital Society (DOS)
  • Nederlandese Intraoculaire Implant Clubn (NIOIC)
  • Europeans Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS)


  • Berntorp E, Astermark J, Carlborg E. Immune tolerance induction and the treatment of hemophilia. Malmö protocol update. Haematologica. 2000 Oct;85(10 Suppl):48-50; discussion 50-1.
  • Carlborg E, Astermark J, Lethagen S, Ljung R, Berntorp E. The Malmö model for immune tolerance induction: impact of previous treatment on outcome. Haemophilia. 2000 Nov;6(6):639-42.
  • Monocular Graves' Opthalmopathie. E. Carlborg, P.S. Saeed, Presentation ESOPRS 2003
  • De Smet MD, Carlborg EA Managing severe endophthalmitis with the use of an endoscope. Retina. 2005 Dec;25(8):976-80.
  • Tan HS, Ghyczy-Carlborg EA, Spanjaard L, de Smet MD. Eye (Lond). The additional value of blood culture bottles in the diagnosis of endophthalmitis. 2011 Aug;25(8):1069-73
  • E.A.E. Ghyczy-Carlborg, O. Goslings, R. Lapid-Gortzak, R.M.M.A. Nuijts. Unilateral implantation of an extended range of focus multifocal IOL in a 25 year old cataract patient. Abstract ESCRS 2016 case-report.
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